Message from chairperson

Occupational Therapy for Creating a Sustainable Society

Facing a super-aged society of centenarians, dealing with natural disasters, living with artificial intelligence, recent developments and their likely effects on our near future prompt us to reexamine the roles of occupational therapists in the light of these events, and encourage greater public awareness of our roles. No matter how times change, we need to value our capacity to meet shifting needs, and fulfill our mission of carrying the torch of occupational therapy services founded on sound knowledge and expertise.

The 56th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress will be held under the timely theme of Occupational Therapy for Creating a Sustainable Society. Preparations are under way for the Congress to take place in Kyoto.

Most of us would agree that human and social sustainability on a global scale has become a crucial concept for the 21st century. Sustainability issues, formerly viewed as challenges that science could overcome, are proving much more far-reaching and complex, involving diverse and multifarious problems relating to the natural environment and socio-economic systems. Sustainability is now at the top of the political agenda, generating national and international proposals for specific goals and actions, as well as discussions of technical and policy measures for their realization. We are set with the task of thinking hard about the future of human society; about whether we can reach our goals without changing our ways; and how we should keep track of our goals. I believe occupational therapists have important roles to play in solving the issues for preserving a sustainable Earth and human society for future generations. In Japan, already a super-aged society, outstanding social issues constitute a seamless part of our everyday lives.

This is the reasoning behind community-based integrated care, for example, as well as education support and job support. These are among the major issues explored by the Congress on an ongoing basis, and are issues pertinent to the activities and occupational therapy of all.

By choosing the aforementioned theme, the Congress aims to share among occupational therapists an awareness of the likely future of our society; share a common understanding of why certain issues need to be addressed; and raise public awareness of the contributions occupational therapists are already making. Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals affect our professional lives as occupational therapists, and without exception affect our personal lives as individuals. They will likely impact the future, if they haven’t already.

At the upcoming Congress hosted by the historic city of Kyoto, I look forward to joining you in exploring and learning about occupational therapy practices that address sustainability. Although we are in no way clear of the coronavirus crisis just yet, I sincerely hope we will overcome all challenges in order to welcome as many of you as possible to a successful Congress.

  • The 56th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo in Kyoto 2022
    ChairpersonWaka Murata
    Department of Occupational Therapy Faculty of Rehabilitation Gunma Paz University